The Irvine Spectrum Rotary Club continued its co-sponsorship of the Shooting Stars family team to raise money for JDRF. 2009 marks the 9th year of the Club’s participation in the event. This year, the Club’s contributions accounted for nearly 50% of the $6,000 raised in 2009 by the Shooting Stars.
The Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation was founded in 1962 by the parents of children with diabetes to specifically raise money to fund research to find a cure (not treatments) for diabetes. Joanne Milo, the Shooting Stars team captain, has had Type 1 (Juvenile) Diabetes for 44 years.
Friends and supporters rallied around the coffee pot and debated the politics for a cure between bites of scones, bagels and muffins while Joanne demonstrated the fine art of crystal embellishment of her blue “snakeskin” walking boot (center front of the team photo).