Since this is the time of year that the "next round" of District staff (of 135 people) is being put together under our incoming District Governor, Greg Owens, Bret thought it would be interesting for us to learn about his experience of being "DG" last year (in case any of us were considering that as a potential goal one day?!).
The criteria for being DG isn't that stringent (at least seven years of being a Rotarian, and at least three years out from being Club President - with as many District positions as possible under your belt). However, it is a seven year commitment - including four years of training (as the selection takes place four years before the term begins). Once selected, you become the "District Governor Elect Nominee Designate".
After surviving the rigorous "panel" interviews, Bret said he will never forget the day that a group of District officials arrived on his doorstep with champagne to celebrate his new "job" (and his wife Natalie's new job too!).
From that moment - until he passed the gavel over to Johrita Solari at midnight on June 30th, his life was a whirlwind of District meetings, club visits, events, fundraisers, training seminars, and much more - to say nothing of the huge volume of emails to handle at the end of a long day (I think he once said he went to 7 Rotary meetings in one day!). He had to squeeze his property management job into his "spare" time!
Needless to say, Bret did a wonderful job of being DG - and anyone wanting to follow in his footsteps is encouraged to put their name forward for Club President, and sign up for District Committees - as Mary Mar and Ed Hardenburgh noted, it is fun and provides a great insight into the larger family of Rotary.
Thanks Bret!