The Armed Services YMCA was founded in 1861 to help soldiers wounded in the Civil War. Since then it has expanded to provide support for Marine personnel on active duty around the world. At Camp Pendleton over 5,000 individuals (primarily enlistees) were supported during 2010. Their many programs include a preschool, after school programs, tutoring, help for new mothers, bikes and comfort quilts for children, transportation, help for the disabled, and various forms of financial support.
He thanked Irvine Rotary club for our support of their Secret Santa program which this year helped 955 families (and thanks to Rick Topping and Janet Wang and her son's Boy Scouts troop, we provided support for four of those families). Through Working Wardrobes (which we also support thanks to Al Rosenstein), they are able to provide gowns for the wives to attend military balls. They also appreciated Tim Wolin and others in our club who have provided home hospitality for those unable to be with their families at Thanksgiving. Our long-term support of their Wounded Warriors program was also recognized and appreciated (thanks Rick Topping!).
Colonel Brown graduated from the University of New Mexico in 1969, and entered active duty attending The Basic School at Quantico, VA followed by artillery training at Ft Sill, Oklahoma. Throughout his career as an artillery officer, Col Brown served in a variety of command and staff positions at the artillery firing battery, battalion, and regimental levels. He commanded two firing batteries and First Battalion, 11th Marines. His staff assignments include tours with Amphibious Group Two, Headquarters Marine Corps, Joint Staff, and the office of the Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Manpower and Reserve Affairs. After completing 30 years of service, he retired from active duty as the Chief of Staff for Marine Corps Base Quantico, Virginia on July 1, 1999. Upon his retirement, he served the Marine Corps in a different capacity as the Membership Director for the Marine Corps Association in Quantico, VA until July 2002. In December, 2003, he assumed his current duties as the Executive Director for the Camp Pendleton Armed Services YMCA.