Irvine Spectrum did their best to create the best chili the O.C. has to offer. I think we did rather well but the judges gave us a 4th place. It is kind of like a “kissing your sister” award. I know the judging was stacked but we all had a gas.
Our great chili chicks were Dianne Braasch, Joan Sarver and Cisca Stellhorn. Our event planner was Ray Benedictus who is now an official cat herder.
The event was great for District 5320 and our fight against polio.
The Irvine Spectrum Rotary Club had twelve special guests. Six US Marines attended the event. They were members of the School of Infantry at Camp Pendleton, CA.
Three special Marines and their ladies enjoyed our hospitality. They were members of the Wounded Warrior Battalion at Camp Pendleton.
We were fortunate to have these Marines, one sergeant and two lance corporals, tell us their personal stories. All of them sustained significant injuries while serving in defense of this nation, and have also have worked tirelessly with their loved ones through their individual recovery process. For this and so many more reasons, they are heroes.
Each of these Marines did what Marines have done since November 10, 1775. They have answered the call to watch over the flock. They are part of the reason we were able to enjoy a Saturday afternoon with friends, eating chili and attending a baseball game.
Past District Governor Allan Stark sat near these Wounded Warriors and had a chance to visit. PDG Stark was a Navy Corpsman prior to becoming a doctor. He is my hero.
Your club can support the Wounded Warrior Battalion and help make a difference in the lives of our injured warriors.
Should you wish to support these warriors please feel free to contact Rick Topping.
"Semper Fi" and "Service Above Self." What a combination.