The event started with a fun tailgate party (and more fund-raising) - a chili cook off contest! Cisca Stellhorn, Diane Braasch, and Joan Sarver cooked and served a variety of home made chili dishes (Joan's "Kick Ass Chili" was my personal favorite, with Diane's milder but very meaty "Chicago" a close second - and Cisca's turkey one not far behind). I know we got a lot of votes, and hopefully we won, but the winning was in the socializing we all did!
For the non-chili lovers, Ray Benedicktus put on his apron and got out his barbecue tongs, making delicious hamburgers and hot dogs - as if having arranged for all the ticket and T-shirt sales wasn't enough - thanks Ray!
We were honored to have a group of Marines from the Wounded Warriors battalion join us with their family/girlfriends - thanks to the coordination of former Marine, Rick Topping. With several former Marines in our club, this is one of the primary organizations we support - not only with donations and other funding, but with as much "hands on" participation as we can. It was a pleasure to meet these brave soldiers who sacrificed their health for our nation's safety and freedom - we thank them and wish them a speedy recovery!
This was also a Birthday party for Mary Mar, who came to celebrate with both her families (her own, including her cute granddaughters, and her Rotary family!). We sang Happy Birthday and ate delicious cake!
Our youngest "future Rotarian", John Lincoln Alcorn was there - all dressed up in his Angels outfit - and learing how to party with his Rotary family at the ripe old age of 102 days!
Several others were there, including Ed Hardenburgh, Dale Ford and his son, Austin and Barbara Wall, Randy and Pam Woods, Mark and Susan Brubaker, Tony Mucia and his daughter Megan, Woody and Deana Jones, Ray B's girlfriend and son Ian, Cisca's nephews, Diane's daughter, and our esteemed past District Governor Bret Gerdes and Natalie (am I missing anyone?!)
Then it was off to the game - and prime seating on the Club level (with in-seat service all evening long). While the game wasn't all that thrilling (except for the Angels home run with the fireworks - but they lost 1-2 to the Texas Rangers), a fun time was had by all - and all for a good cause!
Roll on our 4th Annual Angels event for polio in 2011!