Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Irvine Schools

by Ray Sanford

Gavin Huntley-Fenner, PH.D. and a member of the Irvine Unified School Board, presented us with an update on what's happening with our local schools. While doing so, he gave us some tidbits about why being involved with education is so important to him. He started his education in Guyana where he used a slate to write. From there to the United States and receiving a PH.D. in Brain and Cognitive Sciences from MIT, his research in language and mathematics learning, his present focus has been how to best prepare children for future opportunities. The competitive nature of our present world means that children need to prepare earlier than ever in order to succeed.

He stressed that the Irvine schools are near the top nationally in both efficiency of operations as well as scholarship. He lauded the current faculty and administration for their dedication to the children as well as their initiative and creativity in doing more with less.