In 1993, 6 months into a new business my husband Bruce and I had started, Bruce received a letter asking him, as “The President” of the business - to come as a guest to a Rotary meeting - to check it out.
Since I was the president of the company he gave “me” the invitation to attend.
Well, knowing that Rotary was an organization made up of business men, - I a business woman - and president of the company, decided I would take time from my very busy schedule to “attend the meeting” and to leave a rather large “Gender Chip” on my shoulder - right in the middle of their “good old boys” club!
When I got there I was right! There they were, all men standing around talking to each other – so - I threw back my shoulders, stood tall, with the invitation letter in hand, walked right up to the registration table And firmly told the gentleman behind the table I was here to check out Rotary and here was the invitation that the Vice President of our company had received in error.
Bob, the Rotarian behind the table - looked up with a big smile and said he was very happy to see me. He called Larry over and introduced me to Larry as a guest.
Larry reached out his hand to shake my hand AND with a big smile and said “welcome to Rotary, we are glad you came”.
We chatted a few minutes and he said come in and meet the members – Larry introduced me to everyone in the room.
Well, to make a long story short. I was invited back to the next’s week meeting and “honestly” – I couldn’t wait to go back!
And before I knew it -
I was a Member of the Rotary Club of East Anaheim.
Of course, I was way too busy – remember it was the “start up year” of our business and I did have that “Gender Chip” on my shoulder AND it was a club of elite, exclusive, seasoned business men. I was so wrong!
I was enjoying the fellowship and working with the guys on community projects – here were group of professionals that had connected their heads to their hearts.
But, my Rotary story stopped in 1996 when the club turned in their charter and I walked away.
It wasn’t until 3 years later I went to lunch at my husband’s Rotary Club and met LOWELL JONES - “LBJ” — a 50 year perfect attendance Rotarian – we chatted and he asked if I knew about Rotary - of course I told him my Rotary story and we had a fine time.
The next day when I got back from lunch, the little red message light on my phone was blinking - I had a voice mail message from LBJ –
it was sure nice to meet you and we would like you to join the Rotary Club of Anaheim.
Of course, I was extremely too busy and he didn’t ask me to call him back so I didn’t –
The next Monday around 2:00 pm that little red message light on my phone was blinking, it was a message from LBJ telling me what a great Rotarian I would be and asking me to come back to another meeting.
Every Monday around 2:00 pm for more than 2 months, that little red light was blinking with the message from LBJ asking me to come back to Rotary.
I finally relented and went to a meeting to tell LB to stop calling me - he was so pleased to see me he could barely contain himself – I didn’t have the heart to tell him not to call me and we had another fun time that day.
After that meeting - he called every day until I came back and joined Rotary – I am proud to say LBJ sponsored me into the Rotary Club of Anaheim in 2000.
And Here I am your District Governor – Who knew! LBJ knew!
As you Governor it is my responsibility to share with you what work is taking place at Rotary International this year.
Rotary International President Ray Klinginsmith is doing things differently. He is encouraging us to take a back-to- basics approach and look at things with good old “Cowboy Logic” if it ain’t broke don’t fix it - If it don’t work get rid of it.
He, with the “RI” Board of Directors recently adopted a revised plan for Rotary
that focuses on promoting 3 elements essential to our future:
Strong clubs,
Effective Service,
And a unified and recognized brand
Recognizing and promoting that - Rotary is a grassroots organization and most of its humanitarian efforts are carried out at the club level - President Ray is promoting the 3 Bs -
Bigger, Better, Bolder –
BIGGER not necessarily bigger clubs but bigger thinking in our clubs – BE innovative BE flexible –
These are not the good old days of Rotary. Be creative, look at the ordinary and see the extraordinary.
BETTER – Consider implementing a vision plan in your club, look at what is not working and what is working - ask yourselves - is your club balancing activities in the 5 Avenues of Service.
BOLDER – Promote networking, talk business, do business with Rotarians. Look at sustainable service - as you continue to create significant projects both locally and internationally
I know you all agree - Making stronger rotary clubs makes Rotary strong.
President Ray has made it very clear it my responsibility is to help make better Rotary Clubs by helping you meet your goals.
There are 120 Rotarians volunteering to support the 46 clubs in your district.
You have directly available to you - your Assistant Governor Jim Rutter
New to the District this year, are Membership Area Coordinators (MACS) and Rotarian Rick Topping is assigned to work with himself your membership chair
There are Foundation Area Coordinators too (FACS) and Rotarian Mary Mar has been assigned to work with Ray Benedictus your Foundation Chair.
Our goal is to help the Irvine Spectrum Club be a stronger Rotary Club by giving you the resources and support to help you reach YOUR goals.
Rotary International is NOT setting the goals you are. Rotary International President Ray recognizes that Rotary starts and ends with the individual clubs not at Rotary International.
President MODY recognizes the importance of quality membership - and the value - of retaining members. He has worked with you to set a goal for the club 4 members net.
Now at the end of the Rotary year – should you succeed in reaching your membership goal and you have included in net growth women and members under 40 years
Your club will be in the running to win a special dinner for 6 served at our home by past district governors. Did a mentioned this includes wine and a visit to the private Solari cellars?
I have all the confidence that this club will meet your membership goal and even - go beyond it!
Because, YOU- like my Rotary sponsor LBJ - will get your “ASK - in gear”!
President MODY is confidence that everyone in the club supports the Rotary Foundation as you have an “All-Time Giving” to the Rotary Foundation of more than $335,000.00 to date.
I believe you are as pleased as I am that your club can receive matching grant money from the Foundation to work with people in need and money from the District Simplified Grant fund to help fund community projects supported by Irvine Spectrum Rotarians.
President MODY’s goal is to have everyone in the club give $300 this coming Rotary year
As a leader that - walks he talk - President MODY has made a donation to the foundation – he would not ask you give – if he did not give - and I would not ask him to give - if I did not give to the Foundation.
If you haven’t gone to the new District Website please take a minute to click onto rotary5320.org. It has been updated and is an active resource for you to take advantage of. We will continue to add new things each week. Check it out
We also upgraded your district online directory. Take a look and be sure the information about you is correct.
Thank you for supporting the End Polio Champaign.
As you know, 25 years ago Rotary made a promise to the world that we would eradicate the disease of polio from the face of the earth. To date 2 billion children have been immunized against polio – there are only 4 countries left in the world that are experiencing the pain of polio —as long as polio threatens even one child anywhere in the world, children everywhere - including our children in the United States - remain at risk. The stakes are that high - you can help Rotary achieve a polio-free world we are inches away.
On September 10th - Rotarians in the District came out in record numbers to recognize our outstanding Rotarians who exemplify integrity and high ethically standards and live the 4-Way Test. Congratulations to all 29 nominees
There are some special surprises in store for us at the Foundation Dinner this year - it will be a fun time recognizing contributions of clubs and individuals. Mark your calendars November 13th. Your club has already purchased 2 tables and I am looking forward to seeing you all there!
I hope you will seriously consider joining us at the District Conference to “Celebrate Rotarians and the Heart of Rotary” it will be at the Hilton Hotel in Irvine across from the OC Airport on April 29th30th and May 1st.
And plans are being made now for a sneak preview of the District Conference on February 6th 2011. (Place Mats) – 2 representatives to take a look.
I am so confident that you will find the district conference to be a valuable experience - that - if you disagree - I promise to personally refund your registration fee. Look forward to seeing you all there
Our Group Study Exchange team coming in from the Netherlands - They will be here for about 4 weeks April 19th – May 15th 2011- The team will be focused on vocations that involve peace and conflict resolution. There will be 5 team members and a team leader. This will be a unique opportunity to be involved as a fun peace ambassador for your club.
And of course we will tie up the year at International Convention in New Orleans. Lazie Lay Bon Toms Roule – Let the good times roll. May 22nd – 24th, 2011
My passion for Rotary is – “Doing Good in the World”
I love to be involved with Rotarians like you, who share your hearts by doing and giving.
It is inspirational for me - to see you - truly putting forth every effort “to do good in the world”
(Irvine Spectrum projects)
For 19 years the Rotary Club of Irvine Spectrum has been sharing their hearts with this community and the world.
Irvine Spectrum Rotarians have change lives ---- have saved lives. You have touched people you will never see.
You have planted the precious seeds of hope in children, you have given the gift of laughter and imagination to children that had none, you showed troubled youth that had given up- that you care about them, that the community cares about them, you support the Boys & Girls Club
You have given families another opportunity to life without domestic violence, you have brought smiles and confidence to children living through domestic violence, supporting Toby’s house and Laurel House
you gave children their first books to read, you have given scholarships rewarding and recognizing academic achievement allowing high school students to pursue their education, you give the gift of the “Arts” supporting Partners in Harmony,
You support RYLA encouraging children to stretch their competitive muscle, learn the value of integrity, and give them the ability to see and know their inner strengths to become better people, you have given seniors the resources to maintain their independence and quality of life,
You gave the gift of laughter and assurance to American troops engaged in military combat, you thanked them for their sacrifice supporting Snowball Express, and Wounded Warriors,
You gave people in developing countries their dignity, you gave the gifts of self-reliance, sustainability and hope; you gave children in Romania the gift of school supplies, computers,
For 11 years you have been giving the gift of good dental care to primary school children,
You have given the gift of clean water and permanent water storage to children in orphanages in Myanmar,
You bought stoves for families in El Salvador who cooked with open fire saving children from being burned and having on-going health issues,
You bought polio vaccines giving children of the world another chance to live a better life without being paralyzed, you are a 200% Paul Harris Club.
You have shared your love, your humor, your time, your hearts.
You have followed through with you promise to “do good in the world”.
You do so much for the community locally and internationally.
This club is stronger through the hard work of your members and your committed leadership.
I have learned that our leaders in rotary are committed to make Rotary better - and know the way to do this - is by making our clubs stronger.
Rotary is the club! Rotary is this club!
I am proud to be a Rotarian in the same district with the Irvine Spectrum Rotarians.
I know you take your heart into the game and leave nothing on the field.
You are doing an incredible job.
You are “Building Communities – Bridging Continents
Thank you for giving me another opportunity to enrich our lives in Rotary service.