Michael Fell is a former Orange County Senior Deputy District Attorney with over 18 years experience as a prosecutor and over two years experience as a civil litigator who has been dedicated to victims rights his entire career. Mr. Fell has been recognized for his commitment to victims, including, but not limited to the awards listed below:
Ambassador of Peace Award (2003) for his work with victims of hate crimes and in developing a tolerance program for youth (TURN - Teaching Understanding respect and Non-violence)
Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) Diligent Prosecutor Award (1995, 1996, 2006) for his work with DUI victims and prosecuting DUI cases
Victim Witness Assistance Program Recognition Award for his diligent work with crime victims.
Mr. Fell currently represents the Adenhart, Pearson, Stewart and Wilhite families in the criminal prosecution of the Defendant, Andrew Gallo) under Marsy’s law. (Former Angel MLB pitcher Nick Adenhart, Henry Pearson and Courtney Stewart were killed and Jon Wilhite was seriously injured after they were hit by Mr. Gallo, a drunk driver, on April 9, 2009)