Saturday, June 5, 2010

Irvine Dental Screenings

By Ray Sanford

The Irvine Dental Screenings project went off without a hitch on Saturday.

We set a new record. We saw 126 kids — 40% more than last year!

Dr. Tozzer and Dr. Wall were both from Dental Care for Children and have participated every year since the inception of this program. Amazingly, they'd just returned from doing several clinics in Haiti! 

You can learn more about the work Dental Care for Children does at

The Assisteens, as usual, were organized, efficient and in control. Kudos to Tricia and Lizzie, who planned, scheduled and trained the young women so well there were no hiccups. Great work!

Our veteran school nurses had everything ready to go and kept all the forms, kids and parents organized. I'm sure it was like herding cats at times, but it never showed.

School Board member Dr. Gavin Huntley-Fenner dropped by for a visit so we put him to work being a dental assistant to Dr. Tozzer. It's no wonder the IUSD runs so well with people like Gavin on the board.

Goodies and coffee were provided by Todd Wardlaw at The Corner Bakery in The Marketplace. Many thanks for their continued support. Please patronize Corner Bakery and let them know how much you appreciate their support.

Photos of the event are