DG Johrita Solari presents President Mody Gorsky with a 20-year rosette.
On Saturday, February 19, the Irvine Rotary Club became 20 years old! We celebrated in grand style at the classy Bistango restaurant in Irvine.
The event was well attended, with many people bringing their spouses/significant others, and also some guests/prospective members, and visitors from other Rotary clubs.
Our newest member Ken Carrell (and his wife Christin Anzell) was there, and it was great to see former members Dan Eisenbeicz and Julie O'Brien (with her daughter Erin), as well as charter (now honorary) members Warren Willard and Cap Peaslee (and his wife Gina). It was also nice that Mark Roy, President of the Anaheim Hills Rotary Club, and his friend Rhonda were able to join us too.
We were honored to have our District Governor, Johrita Solari (and her husband Bruce) in attendance - and were proud to receive a 20 Years of Service Rotary emblem for our club banner. Several Past District Governors came, including our founding DG George Grossman (and his wife Carlene), Price Shapiro (and his wife Debbie), who attends our meetings so often we think of him as a member, and of course Immediate Past DG, our very own Bret Gerdes (and his wife Natalie). We were also delighted to have our District Governor Elect, Greg Owen (and his wife Val). Thanks to all of them for helping to make this such a special event!
We were entertained by Rick Topping - with hair (in case any of the former members didn't recognize him), Woody Jones in his Steelers jacket (apparently hoping they'll win the Superbowl next year?!), and Julie Obrien's 3-year old daughter who asked Mody for a play date!
Thanks to Cisca Stellhorn and Mary Mar for the wonderful job they did arranging this fantastic evening! Also to Ray Sanford who ran our video program including the great videos that Randy Woods made for Gillian Bradshaw's demotion party, and our new club video orchestrated by our President Mody Gorsky.
Here's to the next 20 years for the Irvine Rotary Club and the wonderful "Service Above Self" that we provide!

Irvine Rotary Club Charter Members with Founding District Governor George Grossman and his wife Carlene.