Using his guitar as a metaphor for life, Mark talked about the need to keep our "strings" in tune, and how musical vibrations can promote health, wellness, and vitality and keep our thoughts, beliefs and perceptions on an even plane.
He demonstrated the effect of these sounds on physical strength by putting our strong, young, athletic Ray Benedicktus to "the test". The fact that he could easily move Ray's arms without the music and couldn't when it was playing, certainly looked convincing!
Formerly the CEO of a successful technology company, Mark has developed a unique process to help individuals attain a higher level of success, improve their health, and enhance their productivity. His scientific breakthrough is expressed by means of his unique musical notes and tones. This tool is a proprietary blend of specific sound frequencies to help reduce stress, "supercharge" performance, and heighten creativity.
Mark Romero Music Inc. offers a wide range of services that build on clients' existing efforts, including his sound therapy CDs, Musical Prescriptions CD series, teleconference series, keynote speaking engagements, private and group coaching sessions, and advisory services.