Norah Dopudja is the new Director of Homeless Prevention and Mentored Learning for South County Outreach. She holds a BS from California State University Fullerton in Human Services.
Norah has enjoyed working with and learning from the homeless and at-risk population for the last decade. She brings with her extensive experience and passion for service to her community.
As Director of Operations for Birth Choice Pregnancy Center, Norah opened and oversaw four non-profit community care clinics in Orange County. Norah was also responsible for the day-to-day operations of the clinics as well as developing training programs for hundreds of staff, client advocates and volunteers.
Serving in multiple roles at Toby’s House Maternity Home, Norah worked as case manager for the residential facility and volunteer coordinator. There Norah was responsible for completing a comprehensive assessment plan for each new resident and addressing clients’ needs and goals in the areas of housing, education, health, psychological well-being, childcare, and career.
While working as volunteer coordinator, Norah enjoyed training and working with hundreds of mentors, interns, contractors and volunteer personnel dealing with client needs.