The program started in 1934 when doctors traveled to Mexico by horseback and mule. After WWII the program began using volunteer pilots to fly doctors to Mexico to save lives and improve the health of people in Mexico. Today they have established five medical sites in Mexico to give medical aid, from surgery to dental work, using doctors from all over the United States.
They help about 1,200 people a month and fly about 100 trips from throughout the United States to Mexico. They are widely supported by Rotary International, and receive help from several clubs in Orange County. Over the last 70 years they have improved the quality of life for the poor and sick in Mexico .
Roger McGonegal, our current District Governor, was our honored guest this week. He presented Mary Mar with an award for her outstanding work in the District this year. He thanked her for all she did to coordinate and make the District conference the successful event it was.
He also presented Jaap Laufer with his Paul Harris +2 award.
Ed Hardenburgh was our past president's speaker this week. He served as our 6th president from 1997-1998. He took over when Rick Topping was unable to serve due to business commitments. His term began by attending the International convention in Scotland with the previous president, Warren Willard, an enticement he couldn't refuse.
Ed reminisced about the good times and fond memories he had, as well as the promotion and continuation of the Dental Clinic and Golf Tournament started the previous year by Warren. Ed is our current treasurer and has served 4 years in that position.