Sports is a part of our American way. Whether you are able or disabled, most of us have a desire to play with the team!
David Armendariz, Regional Director of the Special Olympics, Southern California, enlightened our rotary club about the breadth and depth of the organization. 3.1 million SA athletes compete in 195 countries around the globe. This effective organization provides kids and adults with disabilities with an opportunity everyday to maximize their potential in sports. Ethel Kennedy created the organization almost 50years ago. There are many volunteer opportunities to work with SA, meet and get to know the disabled and see them in action.
SA is a sports traiing and competition organization for the disabled athletes. They are able to develop their skills thru sports. At one time this group was forgotten, now they are center stage, around the world. Athletes learn to compete, be a good team mate, communicate, and build skills.
They want to win, like any athlete. SA compete in 12 sports. The minimum age is 8, and seniors age 70-87 participate. SA athletes are five times more likely to be employed, than their peers.