Today's speaker was Gnaneshwari Mayi, from Nithya Yoga Foundation. Her Guru is Paramalhamsa Nithyananda from Australia. She also comes from Australia and has studied yoga in India and shared with us the many meanings of Yoga. It is a 5,000 year-old science combining the mind and the body; much more than the physical exercise, as most people in the USA believe. She now is touring the country in an attempt to explain more about the concepts of yoga.
We also heard from Sean McDowell, a current member of our club, who talked about his work with the New Generation Club, a younger group of Rotarians who aspire to our goals of helping people. Our club is supporting this effort. The group meets weekly and are trying to attract younger people getting started in the business world. Sean asked us to encourage younger business people we know from family and businesses to join them. They are involved in hands-on projects and meet on Tuesday evenings for drinks and appetizers. He asked us to join them if we wish.