Today's meeting featured three speakers: George Brown an administrator for the YMCA-Armed Services, Bob Bliss, a candidate for the Saddlback College Board, and our own Pat Rodgers, a candidate for the Irvine City Council.
George Brown shared with club that the Armed Services YMCA is completely separate from the regular YMCA. He is based at Camp Pendelton and serves 43,000 people. There are special needs for grades E-5 and below on the base both for the troops and their dependents. Our club gave him a donation for his good work and we have participated in several great events at the base. He was introduced by an "OLD Marine" Rick Topping.
Bob Bliss is a retired instructor at Saddleback community college, where he taught and headed the computer instruction in the business department. He has served as a reserve in the police force and received all his college education at night as he was working full time during the day. He presented the issues of the campaign. I found it most interesting that this community college district is very well off financialy.
Pat Rodgers, a member of our rotary club, a retired policeman from Irvine wants to be a city councilman. He has served in Iraq and Afganistan after his retirement (26 years) from the IPD. He lives in the Ranch. He presented several opinions of issues facing the Irvine voters.
I salute both candidates for wanting to serve the public and go through these elections. Both men were brief! A rare trait in a politician