Approximately 75 Rotarians and guests showed up at the home of Dale & Ute Ford for the celebration of the end of a fine Rotary Year thanks to now "Past President" Cisca Stellhorn. There was much food and drink and frivolity especially the trial of the dastardly Cisca Stellhorn who wildly mistreated her fellow Rotarians through the Rotary Year with those "bells".
The famous "Hangin Judge" Mody Gorsky presiding found Cisca guilty of all charges even in the face of an excellent defense by Rotarian Mark Brubaker, Esq. However, Judge Mody let her off of all punishment after an exchange of graft and corruption as is, we think, the custom amongst the members of the bar.
Since the celebration took place on the 1st day of Summer in the west-facing rear yard of the host facility measures needed to be taken to minimize the heat generated by the late-afternoon setting sun. The host erected sun barriers to keep the 100 or so degree sunlight from baking the skin off of the guests.
Misting devices were strategically set up as well to aid in cooling of the frazzled mass of humanity. Food was provided by Diane Braash, which was another highlight and the bartender was Cisca's brother Kelly. Both Kelly and Diane significantly reduced the load on the hosts and their helpers Gillian Bradshaw and Luana Rodberg and many others not mentioned here because of a loss of brain cells of the author of this summary.
Regarding helpers, Luana must be singled out as the person who prepared all the center pieces, the gift to Cisca, balloons and gas for same and much more not mentioned here again due to the brain cell issue. Many thanks again to Luana!