Thanks to Cisca Stellhorn for leading the charge once again for our booth at the District Conference’s Hospitality Night! With the help of Luana, Stella, Cynthia, Toni T, Tony M, Barry, Ed, and Dale, our booth (serving wings and beer) was a great success! "King Mody" definitely added to the spirit of the evening!
The event was well attended, with many clubs having a booth – serving everything from British “Bangers and Mash” to chocolate dipped strawberries and margaritas! Music and dancing added to the jollity – and I am told a lot more partying went on well into the night for those that stayed over.
The breakfast on Saturday morning was well attended, and awards were given to the “unsung heroes” from 3 Rotary clubs (these were awarded at every meal throughout the Conference). Winners of the District Singing and Speech contest (from local high schools) performed excellently, and a great presentation was given on the plight and needs of the “motel children” in Orange County. Thanks to District Governor Johrita Solari for highlighting this needy group, for whom many of us brought toiletries and other necessities.